Interesting how any number of people are claiming how interested they are in Seanad Reform now that we have an election but they were remarkably silent
Take Joe O’Toole who said in 1997 while campaigning for election that “On the canvass, however, he has discovered the depth of resentment among graduates of universities other than the NUI or Trinity who are not entitled to a Seanad vote. “I agree. Why on earth should votes be restricted to these two universities, one established by a queen and the other by a cardinal. If elected I intend proposing changes.””
Doing something would have made sense even his own perspective of looking to protect his seat as primary teaching graduates of Mary Immaculate and St. Patrtick’s Drumcondra can no longer vote. Sadly no action has been taken.
You can hardly blame Joe O’Toole for that.
For not doing anything in the Seanad when he said explicitly ten years ago that he would? Did he introduce a bill and force the government to vote it down? No. So, I have to reckon that “Yes” I can blame him for that.