The horses in the paddocks and as they approach the track itself we will have a quick look over the following runners and riders.
Bresnihan, Valerie: – Social and Human Rights Researcher
A previous runner and also did quite well as I recall.
Brodbin, Shane: – Product Manager
Ex-DCU SU President
Connolly, Mark: – Financial Services Official
Apparently he is very supportive of the government, in fact wanted that on his entry on the ballot paper but did not have any documentation to back it up. Honesty when I saw him in person I thought he was one of Bock the Robber‘s men from the Blog Awards. Seriously.
Crowley, Liam: – Solicitor
Another man from Puck, Christ people will think we’re trying to take over. A director of elections for John “the bull” O’Donoghue on occasion. And a local election candidate for FF in 2004.
Garavan, Mark: – Lecturer and Sociologist
The Shell to Sea representative. I’ll bet J/Gerry Cowley never thought when deciding to support him that he would be out of the Oireachtas himself when the election was being held. Sociologist? I thought he had suggested he was some sort of chemical engineer when taking about the pipeline.
Healy, Paddy: – Immediate Past President, Teachers’ Union of Ireland, and Lecturer
Apparently, a brother of Seamus Healy who was TD for Tipperary South until a short while ago.
Hillery, John Anthony: – Medical Doctor
Hogan, Martin: – Green Reform Candidate and Business Mentor
Nice bloke. Can’t imagine he is too impressed at Mark Garavan’s late declaration.
Kennedy, John Paul Alexander: – Software Engineer; Young Fine Gael
Endorsed Candidate
Lowe, Martina: – Director, GET AHEAD
MacCárthaigh, Dáithí: – Abhcóide/Barrister
Monahan, Oonagh: – Business Manager
NUIG person, is the west awake?
Mullen, Rónán: – Barrister, Teacher, Columnist
Was or is a columnist for examiner or Daily Mail. some suggestion on that he is supported by the cleric wing of Irish politics. Was with the press office of the Dublin Diocesan Communications Office at one time too.
O’Callaghan, Bernie: – Hotelier
Ó Gógáin, Liam: – Engineer and Lecturer
Father’s rights is primarily his focus or so it appears from googling.
O’Riordan, Mary: – Medical Doctor
O’Shea Farren, Linda Mary Patricia: – Solicitor and Human Rights Advocate
Was Nora Owen’s programme manager according to the good people at and has a nice address apparently.
O’Sullivan, Bernadine: – Secondary Teacher
Former ASTI President who has run before and came close to unseating Brendan Ryan. Was last time her only real chance? Her campaign may well consist of saying
Benchmarking- bad ICTU – boo hiss and so on.
O’Toole, Joe: – Senator and Educationalist
Educationalist no less! there’s posh for ya. Used to be when being a teacher was good enough for our Joe. Still and all he’s from Dingle so I won’t say anything too bad about him.
Philips, Susan: Political Analyst
Seems to be UCD academic
Price, Brendan: – Biologist, Founder: Irish Seal Sanctuary
Plenty of experience over this course and well aware of intricacies of the process.
Quinn, Feargal: – Senator
A pleasant man to speak with and surely a shoe-in again this time out.
Ryan, Brendan: – Senator and Lecturer in Chemical Engineering
Interesting to see Brendan making a targeted love bomb of engineers. His vote dropped last time out after he had joined the Labour party and run in the general election. Not sure what impact it may have this time.
Sullivan, Daniel K: – Disability Activist and Software Development Researcher.
The above was intended to have read Software Development Researcher and Disability Activist but the box was rather small and once I got Software Development Researcher written I realised I would have write Disability Activist above it for it to fit in the same area. I have some qualms with the word “Activist” too as it speaks to me of folks gathered around a Formica topped table, smoking butts talking about assisting the workers in their struggle to overthrow the bosses. Still it seems to be the vernacular of the times so.
Oh and the flag has been dropped and they’re off…
Susan Philips, Phd Student, former FG then Independent Wicklow county councillor, former Church of Ireland Synod Member, and right wing lunatic on contraception, abortion and has a fascination with men buggering each other (ie. thinks it’s a bad thing)
Ronan Mullen, ah clerical wing? think closer to the papal wing than the clerical wing! Blessed be Ronan quietly a member of opus dei, practising the law (maybe??) and lecturing in communications whilst wanting to govern women’s wombs and stop the faggots getting married.
You know, in all the years I’ve been entitled to vote in Seanad elections, I’ve never done so. I feel uneasy about an upper house elected by privileged people such as myself.