Take my wife, please!

What is it about Irish business people and high ranking public servants that they can’t spend a few days away from their spouses? In the reporting of the trip in 2004 of Minister Mary Harney we’re told that she travelled “in a party that included the former director general of Fás, Rody Molloy, and his wife, and the then secretary general of Ms Harney’s department, Paul Haran, and his wife.”

Why, why were their wives brought along? Are these top-executives unable to make their way in the world without their wives? Or are these menfolk mere proxies for their more capable other halves? Evidently it has been going on for years. Sen. Mary White sought to regale us with her foreign policy credentials in her quest to be president by telling us about all her trips with her husband then head of the IDA.

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One Response to Take my wife, please!

  1. Bock the Robber says:

    It’s important to have your wife with you, in case you experience a sudden, overwhelming urge to get laid. The wife will soon put a stop to that.

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