It is probably too early for in depth reflection on the local election results but it is worth considering that the Greens have spent 2 decades building up their party piece by piece, seat by seat and after only 2 years in government with FF they have almost lost it all.
As someone who has known what it is like to put a lot of work into a local election campaign and see it all evaporate before your eyes at the count centre, I can understand that Greens are hurting today, from the leadership down to those who dropped the leaflets, put up the posters and over the days after polling day will have to take them down again. But they need to take a few days and reflect on what people have said to them. In my view people are saying that they didn’t elected them to shore up FF in government and I think they should pay careful heed to that.
But then I suppose some will say I would say that, but that I say it doesn’t make it any less (or more valid). It is just the way things are.