- Image via Wikipedia
Amazing that a) there appears to have been no means to alert people (not just officials) in Cork city in time that the dam were to be let out and b) that there appear in many cases to have been no local or building specific plans put into effect to deal with a deluge, the Mercy hospital being a notable exception. In dealing with a) we should say there is in fact a cell broadcast facility in mobile phone technology that would have allowed everyone with a mobile defined by cells to be notified that the dam was about to let out and to take action accordingly. Sure, local radio is very popular in more rural areas but the mentality wherever you happen to be that you should be sat by the radio to ensure that you hear about the warning is utterly arse over backwards. Why the state in awarding mobiles licences doesn’t make use of the access to the network in emergencies is beyond me.
As for b) taking the city library in Cork as an example, what was the action plan that building had for dealing with emergencies? Books in boxes moved to higher ground would have taken a few hours with 15/20 people and saved tens of thousands. Its like they say about having your own fire plans for your home, if there is an alarm then know what is it you are going to do when it sounds . And I don’t even want to think about the Glucksman basement. Was there no one available or responsible for ensuring the contents were safely stored given the forecast.
But then we wouldn’t be faced with a whole set of shop owners, city councils, ESB and government playing pass the parcel with the buck. And then the government’s taskforce (which so far has met more times then their unemployment taskforce) wouldn’t have any obvious recommendations to make.
That mast reminds me of something….
In melbourne, Australia a year ago during those dreadful bush fires, the emergency services were able to notify all mobile phones of the latest hazards and places to avoid.
But then this is IRELAND and it is never ‘MY’ fault! The ‘Other’ fellow should do something about it. ‘MY’ job is to whinge and whine. Right!
Great idea about using Cell Broadcast, Dan.
Did the Glucksman basement flood? I hadn’t heard.
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