Blasphemy, blas for you. A taste of Dermot Ahern for everyone.

Over on Irishelection, Veronica has a piece covering the media push for

What will make this focus on blasphemy and mass cards by the minister all the more ridiculous will be the possibility that the courts will end up tearing the Oireachtas a new one on foot of the challenge by the 15 year old boy to the under-age sex legislation.

Legislation that it was admitted at the time was rushed and probably flawed, so flawed that the likes of the Green party suggested that there should be sunset clause in it so that it would be revisited in a timely and more considered fashion. Almost 4 years on from the summer of 2006, we still have legislation that criminalises sexual activities on the basis of gender, and which says some activities are illegal on their own but become legal if they lead to full sexual intercourse. And which seems to suggest (from what I recall of Brendan Howlin’s rather excellent examination of it from the Labour benches of the Oireachtas)that girls can’t have under sex at all. Crazy beans.

Meanwhile the man who has been minister for Justice made rectifying blasphemy so that it would keep pace with changing times and regulating the sale of mass cards his priority.

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