I’ll be on Newstalk’s Saturday Edition in the morning

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I will be taking part in a discussion re: the week’s events in Fine Gael tomorrow morning between 8.30am and 9.30am. I’m not a main player as it were, merely a phone contributor.  Senator Alex White, Senator Frances Fitzgerald and Padraig Duffy former press for Bertie are the main attraction but I’m aiming to be one of those memorable character actors who runs off with the show. I mean I presume it’s solely going to be about matters Fine Gael cos if we stray into talking about the Lakers win over the Celtics I’m in trouble.

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One Response to I’ll be on Newstalk’s Saturday Edition in the morning

  1. John says:

    You ask the hard questions here. FG has a once in a lifetime chance to supplant FF as the largest party. I do not believe that Labour will be the largest party. It could however gain up to 10 seats. I expect FF to rally especially in the run in to the general election

    FG has a problem in major urban areas. Most people that I meet are completely unaware that the party has excellent policies.
    The lampooning of Enda Kenny has taken its toll especially among young voters who are largely disinterested in politics.
    The party must attempt to get its message across to this segment of the electorate. It has failed to do so effectively.

    Finally Enda Kenny has a problem in Dublin. He must address it if he wishes to be Taoiseach. It is not being addressed in a coherent manner

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