- Image by The Library of Congress via Flickr
My Predictions for the new Fine Gael front Bench are below, note these are who I suspect having read my runes and the entrails of a passing goat that the train hit. They are not necessarily who I would pick nor who I think would be most suitable, well some of them might be while others would not be. You can judge for yourself
Michael Noonan – [Finance] (he’s not a threat to Enda and he is familiar with the brief for finance and is well able to respond and think on his feet)
Michael Ring – [Agriculture, Fisheries & Food]
Jimmy Deenihan – [Arts, Sport & Tourism]
Phil Hogan [Communications, Energy & Natural Resources]
Seymour Crawford [Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs]
Terence Flanagan [Defence]
Leo Varadkar [Education & Science]
Phil Hogan – [Enterprise, Trade & Employment]
David Stanton – [Environment, Heritage & Local Government]
Fergus O’Dowd – [Foreign Affairs]
James Reilly [Health] and deputy leader
Deirdre Clune [Immigration & Integration]
Alan Shatter – [Justice, Equality & Law Reform]
Catherine Byrne – [Children]
Brian Hayes – [Social & Family Affairs]
Paul Kehoe – [Transport & Marine]
John Perry [Chief Whip]
You may be correct as regards the personalities. However I hope that Richard Bruton remains on the front bench. It is highly likely that Michael Noonan will face Brian Lenihan.
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