Endorsements and Nominators

I’m very appreciative of the people who have supported my candidacy by signing my nomination form shown below and those who have provided some words of endorsement.


Killian Forde – “I’ve known Daniel for a number of years and based on his passion for ideas, knowledge of politics and interest in policy I think he would be a welcome addition to the Seanad. The upper house should be an arena to express and introduce new approaches that could solve Ireland’s chronic problems; Daniel’s a really bright guy with little tolerance for lazy conventional wisdom and I wish him all best in his election.”

Jason O’Mahony – “Daniel Sullivan is a thoughtful contributor to the ideas side of Irish Politics. Despite his FG leanings, he’s not a tribal guy, and is always interested in the “Why?” side of a proposal as opposed to the “Whose idea was it?” side. For that reason alone, I think Daniel Sullivan would be an excellent addition to Seanad Éireann.”

Dr. Bill Tormey – “There are a few excellent people challenging on the NUI panel for a Seanad seat. As an iconoclastic individual, I value people who have a robust independence and fairness of mind. Daniel Sullivan has these qualities and if you read his blog those characteristics will become apparent quickly. As a voter, I have no hesitation in recommending him for election. “

John Paul Phelan TD “Daniel K. Sullivan is exactly the kind of member Seanad Eireann needs, thoughtful, rational and with a keen interest in Public Affairs, I recommend him to the NUI electorate for a Number 1 Vote.

Diarmiud Scully 2005-2006 Mayor of Limerick “I have no hesitation in supporting the Seanad campaign of Dan Sullivan.  Dan is a tireless worker who has been at the forefront of the battle to preserve Limerick’s environmental heritage and to ensure that the city and its environs develop in a way that is sustainable and to the benefit of all is citizens.

If Seanad Eireann is to have a purpose, it needs committed, principled and articulate people like Dan Sullivan”
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