Government to introduce new Voter Gender Quotas

As a follow up to the various amendments to the  Electoral Act over thre past 5 years the Irish government is proposing to introduce new Voter Gender Quotas to restrict the % of women that can vote at election time.

With females being confirmed once more as the majority of the population in the preliminary figures of the 2016 Irish Census and with the continuing failure of women to both contest elections even as independents or to vote for their fellow women before taking into account any other considerations, like party affliations, policy platforms, experience and personal competence the time has come for drastic action the minister says.

The government has decided that the % of voters of either gender allowed to vote on polling day will be reflective of the average of the percentage make-up of the previous Dail, local councils and European Elections. With women representatives still just under 25% even after the application of the 40% quota on candidates at the least election, this means that women will not be allowed to make up more than 25% of the electorate.

Lobbying group, WeTheRightSortOfPeople, has welcomed the initative saying that it’s about time that women were reminded that it is the failure of women to contest elections and to vote the right way that has lead to this situation. Let’s face the truth, it’s pretty evident that the women haven’t been voting for the female candidates all along and it’s high time that we respected their influence as a result.

“If women stopped thinking of themselves as free citizens with the right to choose to do or not do things as they please and instead thought of them as women above all else we would all be better off” said a WTRSOP spokesentity  said. “After all what matters most is not whether or not our state is really treating all of our citizens as free and equal people but that we give the impression that we are”

At the next election every woman that seeks to vote will have to wait until 3 men have voted in order to ensure that the percentage of men to women voters does not exceed the target ratio of 75% to 25%. The legislation requires that if an increased percentage of women are elected at this election that the % of women who can vote will similarly be increased.

When it was pointed out that reducing the number of women voters made no logical sense at all and indeed if it was the expectation that men would vote for women more so than women would then why was it men’s fault that women were not contesting elections in the first place, the response was to denounce those who cling to outdated notions about logic and cause and effect declaiming that “This is a wonderfully brave new world that has such lovely fragrant creatures in it.”

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One Response to Government to introduce new Voter Gender Quotas

  1. Samo says:

    Thats going to cause a long que after all look at the Ladies Toilet in a night Club on a sat night and compare it to the Gents and i rest my case can’r imaging the Local Polling Stations turning into the LADIES next thing they will want to power there noses in where you go to vote OMG really who in FG taught this one up

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