
I am standing once more for election to Seanad Éireann on the NUI panel. I’m an unmarried 43 year old engineer, the son of parents from Kerry who were forced into emigration to England in the 50s and who had to do so myself in the 90s. I do wonder at times, if I was able to say that I was father of two young children would that suggest that I might make a better member of the Oireachtas? Or that I was a captain of a football team. Too often it seems we elect people on the basis of background and skills that are not relevant to the position.

Politics can make a difference but voting for changes sake alone won’t. We need people who are ambitious not for themselves but for the nation, who are possessed of a vision and can recognise the means needed to realise that vision and we need to support those who can passionately and articulately make the case for a renewal of our democracy and of our society. I will not hide my belief that the current Seanad is a rotten institution made up of rotten boroughs. That does not mean that those voting are rotten, far from it, over the years those that have the opportunity to vote for the university panels have taken that seriously and have sought to elect those who would make a contribution. Yet it does not have to be this way.

I’m not the leader of a sectional interest or a millionaire looking something to occupy my own time, I’ve never represented a major religion. Who would have thought that 4 years on the topic of political reform would be so much centre stage.

I believe that opportunity matters now more than ever especially as this could be the last Seanad election ever. Reforms to the wider political system must be in place when the Seanad is removed. KI do not support the retention of the current Seanad but nor do I support the notion that its removal of its own would change anything.

Progressive politics is not a creature of the left or the right, but is embedded in the belief that the status quo simply won’t do, that we are better than this and that we need to challenge ourselves every day to do better. It is tolerant and believes that a community has space for those who disagree with it.

I am asking for your support in this election to continue the ongoing tradition and to provide a practical grounded alternative to the failed policies of woolly aspitration, cronyism and unfunded promises.

This year we need strength and In 2011 – seize the chance for a fresh start.

And yes I am a member of Fine Gael. This Blog expresses the opinions of little old me and pretty much no one else.

If you do feel to compelled to blame someone, then blame me. No organisation that I’m a member of, vote for and might occasionally lend the odd fiver to has any responsibility for my actions or antics on here.

I’m an engineer by inclination and profession. I’ve stood in the Irish local government elections (Dublin city council:Artane ward) and for the Seanad NUI panel in 2007. I’m a graduate of the University of Limerick.

I can be contacted at danielsullivan (dot) ie (at) gmail (dot) com

Copyright © 2004 – 2010 Daniel K. Sullivan All Rights Reserved

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