- TCD Vote Predictions – Final | Daniel Sullivan – he's a little political on University of Dublin – By-election
- TCD Vote Predictions – Final | Daniel Sullivan – he's a little political on TCD Seanad Race – Vote % Projections
- The Crack Site on Some thoughts in the upcoming Ard Fheis
- Is the Irish voting system flawed? - Page 11 on Alternatives to lists and quotas to reduce clientelism and offer the electorate more diverse voting options
- dsullivan on Towards a Just Society – the actual document
Category Archives: bank of Ireland
Convert % of bank deposits into Bank Equity?
Could we, overnight, convert a % of deposits into equity for the banks? Or is this simply a bonkers notion? Say 2.5% of all deposits under €20,000 which was the previous limit up to September 2008 and say 5% from … Continue reading
Posted in anglo-irish, bank bailout, bank of Ireland, brian lenihan, irish politics
Tagged bank bailout, brian lenihan
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Breaking News – Equality Authority CEO Quits
More here as it unfolds.
What to do about crime in Ireland
I find myself wondering about how often are we going to do this rehashing of the term watershed. Purely coincidentally I was opposite Donna Cleary’s house the morning after her murder as I was doing a NEAR fm radio panel … Continue reading
Live Blogging of Budget 2009
I know there’s a good few others having a crack at this, but the more the merrier I say. You can do a sort of speed read of the previous budgets here as homework if you like. NB: This is … Continue reading
Posted in bank of Ireland, brian lenihan, budget 2009, live blogging
Potential flaw in local election expenditure limits
John Gormley’s announcement that he is looking to establish spending limits for the local elections should be something to be widely welcomed. However from what he has said so far there are a few problems with the approach he is … Continue reading
Posted in artane, ballinamore, bank of Ireland, irish politics, local elections, midleton
The economy has sphinctered
It’s pretty much official now that the economy is not slowing down rather it is closed for business. I did like that an auctioneer in Tuam on the RTe news was saying that there was a need for the building … Continue reading
Posted in bank of Ireland, property, tom parlon, tuam
Oireachtas reform
I know I’ve made some hay previously about reforming the Seanad to make it somewhat more consistent, but what about something more fundamental like reforming the entire electoral system. I believe that the Oireachtas, local government and large swaths of … Continue reading
Posted in bank of Ireland, dail reform, government, Oireachtas
Obama vs. McCain – who is better for Ireland?
Does anyone in the media know anything? This piece in the examiner today states that Ireland does better under republican presidents than under Democrats. Really? Did anyone do any fact checking at all? The 1950s were times of bleakness matched … Continue reading
Posted in bank of Ireland, economy, irish examiner, mccain, obama
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What if the landlords of the banks couldn’t pay their loans?
Interesting question posed in the pub a while back- what if either of the sets of people who bought the HQs of the two largest Irish banks couldn’t continue to finance their operations? Many people thought at the time that … Continue reading
Posted in aib, bank of Ireland, boi, Ireland, property