- TCD Vote Predictions – Final | Daniel Sullivan – he's a little political on University of Dublin – By-election
- TCD Vote Predictions – Final | Daniel Sullivan – he's a little political on TCD Seanad Race – Vote % Projections
- The Crack Site on Some thoughts in the upcoming Ard Fheis
- Is the Irish voting system flawed? - Page 11 on Alternatives to lists and quotas to reduce clientelism and offer the electorate more diverse voting options
- dsullivan on Towards a Just Society – the actual document
Category Archives: nui seanad 2011
How did you think you could get elected to the Seanad?
A few people have asked me how did I think I might get elected*, since if I didn’t remotely think I could get elected then why bother running. In respect of the latter point, I happen to be of the … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011
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2011 – NUI Seanad predictions
I’ve got plenty of massive hostages to fortune and a recipe of egg all over my face in this post but sure nothing ventured, nothing gained. And it’s only intended as an exercise for myself in the main. I believe … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011
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Campaign costs
So as the campaigns draws to its final close, I’m going to start as I meant to go on with respect to my spending. Whether I get to go on with this is up to the voters and we should … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011
Who would I vote for
Given that I can’t actually vote in the NUI Seanad panel election this is very much an academic question but I still get asked it. So, below you will find a pictorial indication of who I would consider giving vote … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011
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Seanad Costs and Expenses
I find the amounts involved in paying people to be members of the Seanad to be out of kilter with the actual work required. And quite frankly, I’m more than content to subsist on the quite generous salary of some … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011
The not so subtle dissembling of John Waters on the Seanad
Quite a few people have been taken in by today’s Irish Times article John Waters that “Abolishing Seanad would be act of supreme folly”. The real point of this article is to endorse Senator Ronan Mullen, with the article as … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011
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The coming Bank Bondholder EndGame
A few people have asked me* what is going on with the new government’s approach to the EU and the ECB/IMF deal and dealing with bondholders. Well, this is what I reckon is happening and is going to happen. The … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011
Gov. confirms no moves on the Seanad happening this year.
The government has published its legislative agenda for the period up to the summer and there’s not a mention of the necessary bills needed to run any referendum (either on Seanad Reform or abolition, nor the Children’s referendum) in conjunction … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011
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Treating the most vulnerable fairly
There is an oft repeated mantra that a society should be judged on how it treats its most vulnerable members. And that is right and proper; it doesn’t say much for the notion of living in a civilised society if … Continue reading
Who would be the anti-life/anti-choice candidate?
A number of those contesting the Seanad panels have highlighted the issue of stem cell research and ethics as a roundabout way to get to the much thornier issue of abortion and to signal to an audience their pro-life or … Continue reading
Posted in GE11, nui seanad 2011