- TCD Vote Predictions – Final | Daniel Sullivan – he's a little political on University of Dublin – By-election
- TCD Vote Predictions – Final | Daniel Sullivan – he's a little political on TCD Seanad Race – Vote % Projections
- The Crack Site on Some thoughts in the upcoming Ard Fheis
- Is the Irish voting system flawed? - Page 11 on Alternatives to lists and quotas to reduce clientelism and offer the electorate more diverse voting options
- dsullivan on Towards a Just Society – the actual document
Category Archives: john gormley
Commitment to extend Seanad voting rights should be acted on without further delay
NUI Seanad Candidate, Daniel Sullivan, has called on the Minister for the Environment, John Gormley to explain why he has still not taken a single step towards fulfilling his commitment to extend voting rights to all third level graduates. (I … Continue reading
Posted in environment, john gormley, seanad eireann, seanad reform