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Tag Archives: Lisbon Treaty
My take on the Lisbon Treaty – part 1
Image via Wikipedia In making any assessment on the merits of the Lisbon treaty we are encumbered rather than assisted by both the process leading up to the treaty signing and the process of the ratifying referendum itself. A referendum … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged eu, european union, fine gael, Liberal Democrats, Lisbon Treaty, Nice Treaty, Nick Clegg
Lisbon Poll – How will you vote on October 2nd?
This is a poll to gauge public opinion on the Lisbon Treaty. It has been set up to block repeat voting by means of IP and cookies so may cause issues for some. PollDaddy are tracking that not me.
Posted in Lisbon Treaty, Uncategorized
Tagged european union, Ireland, Lisbon Treaty, PollDaddy
How to guarantee a Yes vote for Lisbon
If the Taoiseach was 100% committed to the notion of passing the Lisbon Treaty, he would offer the people something they want. A general election. He should make a solemn promise that if the people approve Lisbon that he will … Continue reading
Spoofer’s guide to Lisbon Mark 2
That breaded man is back again, after bringing us the insightful yet hilarious Spoofer’s guide to the Lisbon Treaty he has returned (much like the treaty itself) with a new and improved guide to the Lisbon Treaty. It will make … Continue reading